Concise and Actionable Intelligence for Today's Most Relevant Grid Modernization Topics

September 23rd, 2019

Utility Grid Resiliency

season 2 , Eps. 2

EnerNex Senior Consultant Sean Morash brings on special guests Rob Gramlich with Grid Strategies and Ryan Hruska with Idaho National Laboratory to talk resiliency in the electric power sector. Why resiliency is important, how we plan for it and a forward-looking perspective on what’s next for the electric sector.

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Episode Guests

Rob Gramlich

Founder and President, Grid Strategies, LLC

Ryan Hruska

Infrastructure Analysis, Idaho National Laboratory

Sean Morash

(EPISODE HOST) Senior Consultant, EnerNex

Read the Brief

This 2-page brief covers the significance of resiliency, the key structural elements to consider, and the steps you can take today to support prudent and proactive utility decision-making and investments. Included is a framework focusing on three primary areas—technology, business, and people—to comprehensively explore this topic from various grid practitioner perspectives.

Ask the Experts

  • Sean Morash

    Senior Consultant
  • Neil Placer

    Director of Utility Services