Jul 28, 2021 | Article

[INL] Resilience Framework for Electric Energy Delivery Systems

by | Jul 28, 2021 | Article

Resilience Framework for Electric Energy Delivery Systems
July 2021

EnerNex co-authored this report with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) introducing a framework to enable more thoughtful and deliberate consideration of resilience as it relates to electrical energy delivery systems (EEDS), with specific application to distributed wind systems.

The framework outlines three tiers of resilience which enable stakeholders to assess and improve their system’s resilience throughout its lifecycle:

  1. Top level: The stages of resilience, which represent different times in a system’s lifecycle and different means of evaluating and executing resilience.
  2. Middle level: The core functions of resilience, which span across the time stages.
  3. Lower level: The process steps that correspond to implementing practices for resilience in each of the core functions.

While the concept of resiliency is not new, its application to the electric grid is neither standardized nor well-defined, and there is little to no guidance on how to evaluate resilience specifically for distributed wind systems. This paper provides a framework for evaluating the resilience of any electric energy delivery system, and provides a detailed example centered on distributed wind. Because different assets can operate in a variety of applications and at different scales, there is no one-size-fits-all approach for evaluating resiliency.




  Sean Morash
  Principal Consultant


  Aaron Snyder
  Director of Grid Technology Consulting


  Neil Placer
  Director of Utility Services Consulting



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