[A Publication From Our CESI Partner]
The Pandemic Crisis: Energetic Recovery
The crisis started in early 2020 and is unfortunately still spreading across the globe. It is tragic from a human, social and economic perspective. In this last regard, all industries have been affected and, in many cases, entire industrial sectors have been severely impacted by the emergency. Nonetheless this crisis represents an opportunity for change, from both an economic p...
ESIG Webinar: Evaluating Wind and Solar Power Plant Harmonics Against IEEE Harmonic Standards
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Featured Speaker: David Mueller, Director of Power System Studies, EnerNex
David Mueller is the Director of Power System Studies with EnerNex. Since 1990 he has worked on a wide variety of projects to solve electric power problems. Dave has worked with a wide variety of utility and industrial companies...
CYME Webinar Series:
Distribution System State Estimation Improvement by Adding Telemetry and Operational Forecasting
Southern California Edison (SCE) is in the process of implementing Smart Grid applications such as FLISR, VVO and OPF to improve reliability and asset utilization, avoid DER-caused problems, and predict load response to market or other signals.
A Distribution System State Estimator (DSSE) is a foundational applic...
International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Webinar
Energy Security: Challenges and Solutions
After the crisis of COVID-19, there is a general consensus of all countries to support energy transition connecting the decarbonization process to energy security, that will remain an important issue of the world energy policy and the key for a more resilient society. This webinar will do a short survey of the main energy security problems in every...
EnerNex Staff Members Achieve TOGAF® Certification
Knoxville, Tenn., USA, July 16, 2020 – EnerNex, a CESI Company, is pleased to announce that two more of our Smart Grid Consulting team members, Brian Smith and Ben Rankin, have completed TOGAF® 9 Certification. The EnerNex team of certified TOGAF architects can connect the discipline of enterprise architecture (EA) to grid modernization projects. TOGAF, The Open Group Architecture Framework (https://www.o...
[Wi-SUN Alliance Webinar ON-DEMAND]
How Field Area Networks (FAN) Standards Are Enabling Smart Utilities and Cities
This panel discussion is moderated by Vicki Trees, VP of Segment Marketing, Landis+Gyr. Panelists will discuss how field area network standards are expanding to include utility and smart city applications such as EV charging, DG monitoring, DER integration, smart sensors and more.
Phil Beecher- CEO and President, Wi-SU...
Published via Energy Central
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By: Ron Chebra, VP of Grid Modernization
The energy industry is a critical infrastructure that is core to our business operations, safety, comfort and general well-being. This has become most evident with recent disasters such as Super Storm Sandy as well as the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Unquestionably there is the need to ensure ...
Quantifying Performance of Distribution System State Estimators in Supporting Advanced Applications
Published via IEEE Xplore
A common challenge forward-looking utilities are facing when deploying advanced applications that facilitate voltage optimization and service restoration is to provide adequate sensor data for a Distribution System State Estimator (DSSE) so that it provides sufficiently accurate estimates of the system states to enab...
Introduction to the New Low Voltage Standard IECTS63107
60-minute complimentary webinar presentation
CESI would like to offer to its audience the opportunity to keep up-to-date on the cutting-edge trends and technologies in the energy industry through webinars held by our experts. By attending our webinars, you will have the opportunity to get both the latest information and insights, make specific questions to our experts, acces...
Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery (FIDVR): Modeling and Guidelines
Published via IEEE Xplore
Voltage sensitive loads are broadly classified as static or steady state, and dynamic load types. After several years of research and development, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) developed the Composite Load Model structure comprising of different types of static loads, electronic lo...