Under funding from EPRI, EnerNex Chairman and CTO Erich Gunther has been supporting an informal group of thought leaders from more than a dozen organizations including EPRI, NIST, NEMA, EEI, DOE, GWAC, UCAIug, IEEE PES Smart Grid, FERC, SGIP and more.
This group, informally referred to as the Grid 3.0 Leadership Group, is responsible for planning outreach events such as roundtables, workshops, and webinars held to facilitate discovering desired future states for the grid and developing a roadmap to get us there. NIST hosted a roundtable event in November of 2014 and a workshop in March of 2015. Workshops on architecture, interoperability and communications facilitated by Erich were held in November 2015, December 2015, and April 2016 respectively. The next activity of the group is a webinar on the topic of “Architecting the Modern Grid.”
For more information on these activities, please visit the collaboration web site at http://www.smartgridsharepoint.org/grid3pt0/ and/or sign up for our email list at http://www.smartgridlistserv.org/cgi/wa.exe?SUBED1=GRID3PT0&A=1