Nov 14, 2016 | Blog

Multiple Prestriking Phenomenon in High Voltage Transmission Substations: Modeling and Simulation | IEEE Xplore

by | Nov 14, 2016 | Blog

Multiple Prestriking Phenomenon in High Voltage Transmission Substations: Modeling and Simulation 

Published via IEEE Xplore



This paper presents the prestriking and re-striking phenomenon caused by switching disconnect switches in a high-voltage switchyard. A detailed transient model of a representative utility 345 kV substation was developed in the electromagnetic transient program, EMTP-RV and the phenomenon was studied for different cases of multiple prestrike transients. It was determined that the transient voltages during prestriking could have large differential values which could put much more switching stress on the nearby circuit breaker and other equipment. This could be the probable cause of equipment failure in the future.

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