Jun 11, 2019 | Smart Grid

[IEEE Smart Grid Webinar] Bridging the Internet of Things and Grid of Things for Effective Optimization

by | Jun 11, 2019 | Smart Grid

IEEE Smart Grid Webinar
Bridging the Internet of Things and Grid of Things for Effective Optimization

Presented By: Ron Chebra, VP of Grid Modernization
865-218-4600 x8108


As more and more distribution assets are connected to the grid operations center, there is an opportunity to gain better insights and telemetric information that serves to inform and enable greater levels of control. In a similar manner, the explosion of the Internet of Things is bringing new dimensions to the ability to link localized sensor and control schemes. The convergence of these two areas now enable a new dimension of expanded and more granular control. This webinar will cover the sensors that enable this, the communications networks that unlock this potential and the enterprise and operational systems need to orchestrate this.

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