CYME Webinar Series:
Distribution System State Estimation Improvement by Adding Telemetry and Operational Forecasting
Southern California Edison (SCE) is in the process of implementing Smart Grid applications such as FLISR, VVO and OPF to improve reliability and asset utilization, avoid DER-caused problems, and predict load response to market or other signals.
A Distribution System State Estimator (DSSE) is a foundational application for providing situational awareness and is a de facto requirement for running these Smart Grid applications without causing capacity and voltage violations on the distribution circuit.
SCE is presenting their internally-developed CYME-based methodology to inform sensor deployment decisions that avoid (1) costly investments in “too much” telemetry and (2) overloading and voltage violations that can be consequences of “not enough” telemetry.
Connect with the Presenters
Muhammad Humayun, Senior Consultant, EnerNex
Jens Schoene, Director of Research Studies, EnerNex