Sep 29, 2020 | Webinars

[ESIG Webinar] Evaluating Wind and Solar Power Plant Harmonics Against IEEE Harmonic Standards

by | Sep 29, 2020 | Webinars

ESIG Webinar: Evaluating Wind and Solar Power Plant Harmonics Against IEEE Harmonic Standards

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Featured Speaker: David Mueller, Director of Power System Studies, EnerNex

David Mueller is the Director of Power System Studies with EnerNex. Since 1990 he has worked on a wide variety of projects to solve electric power problems. Dave has worked with a wide variety of utility and industrial companies, including Georgia Power, Dominion Resources, PSE&G, Duke Energy, Public Service of New Mexico, Delmarva Power, Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Con Edison of New York, Intel, Google, Apple, General Motors, East Midlands Electricity (UK), and the Electricity Supply Board (Ireland) to solve power quality problems. He has conducted numerous measurement evaluations and harmonics studies for these plants, and has worked to resolve issues in cases where measurement accuracy and harmonics direction issues caused false positives for violations of the standards.

Dave has written numerous technical papers and articles on electric power quality, and has given over 100 presentations on these topics in 25 states in the US and 13 countries internationally. Dave received a B.S.E.E. from University of Cincinnati, and a Master of Engineering from the Electric Power Engineering Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Moderator: Charlie Smith, ESIG Executive Director

Webinar Abstract: This webinar will provide an overview of the topic of harmonics from wind and solar power plants. Transmission system operators are increasingly vigilant to check the harmonic emissions from wind and solar plants during energization. The process has been confusing because there are multiple standards. Some plants have seen delayed energization due to concerns for harmonics. IEEE 519 is the original harmonic standard, but it was primarily developed for load equipment. It has very strict provisions, but leaves room for interpretation. IEEE 1547 has been developed and recently modified for distributed generation on distribution systems, but is not directly applicable to larger plants on the transmission system. IEEE P2800 is currently being drafted to address harmonics from the larger plants connected to the bulk electric system. The webinar will address these various standards, and will provide a summary of some of the practices in other countries.

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