Jun 20, 2018 | Webinars

Grid Modernization – Are You Ready?

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Webinars

This presentation will describe the origins of Grid Modernization and propose a readiness determination methodology. Attendees will also examine concepts that challenge existing paradigms in order to understand how to define more robust future systems.

Presented by Dr. Aaron Snyder, Director of Grid Technology Consulting



Aaron’s technical expertise includes advanced metering infrastructure requirements analysis, electricity metering, electricity metering standards (national and international), distribution systems, and power system wide-area stability and control. He assists utilities and vendors with developing requirements for technology, defining test plans and procedures, particularly for the cases of suspected failures, and evaluating the results. He has also provided procurement support through assisting with developing requests for proposals (RFPs) and evaluating proposals against those RFPs as part of Grid Modernization activities. Aaron worked with vendors and utilities to develop and implement an AMI test bed focused on communications networking performance and interoperability. Aaron was the deputy project manager for the EnerNex team contracted through NIST in support of the Smart Grid interoperability standards development and harmonization project. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.

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